Cooperation in Italy – 1st Euricse Report

Publication date: 25 January 2011
Research areas: Measurement and Impact, Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Measurement and statistics
Organizational types: Third sector organizations
Tags: employment, statistics, Coops in Italy, cooperazione, cooperatives

This research stems from the awareness of the lack of official statistical information on the cooperative movement in Italy, despite its relevance nationally. Additionally, a shortage of detailed analyses outlining the unique characteristics of the cooperative world has been noted, allowing for an evaluation of its overall economic importance, including its capacity to generate income, employment, development, gross domestic product, and social welfare within the Italian context.

The work conducted by Euricse aims to address these gaps, with the objective of examining these factors comprehensively. The goal is to enhance the understanding of the Italian cooperative system not only in terms of quantitative dimensions and recent trends but also within the broader context of the comparison between the theory and practice of cooperative enterprises.
