Final Study on the implementation of the Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE) Part II

Data di pubblicazione: 30 Settembre 2010
Aree di ricerca: Quadro giuridico
Categorie pubblicazione: Rapporti di ricerca
Tags: Europa, cooperatives, social enterprises, cooperative, imprese sociali, progetti EU

The ―SCE project has been carried out thanks to, and in execution of a service contract between the European Commission-DG Enterprise and Industry and a Consortium formed by Cooperatives Europe, EKAI Center , and EURICSE, which represented and led the Consortium.

The second part of this final study contains, ordered by country,national reports by the national experts involved in this research; each national report is written in accordance with the guidelines provided by the scientific committee to guarantee the uniformity of contributions and the presence therein of relevant information on both SCE regulation implementation and national cooperative legislation.
