Working group on social economy established by the Italian Ministry of Finance

17 May 2024

On Thursday, May 16, the working group focused on the social economy, of which Euricse Foundation is a member, officially met in Rome at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The initiative aims to strengthen policies to support the social economy and to adapt the European Social Economy Action Plan to the Italian context, encouraging dialogue among all key stakeholders in the sector.

In Italy, the social economy counts about 400,000 organizations and 1.5 million employees, supported by 4.6 million volunteers. According to official data, this sector generates an added value of 40 billion euros, equivalent to 6.7 percent of the private economy. This vast network of cooperatives, mutuals, nonprofit associations, foundations and social enterprises is a vital part of the country’s economic and social landscape.

Our Secretary General Gianluca Salvatori attended the first coordination meeting, along with representatives of other social economy entities and ministries involved. The working group is tasked with adapting the European Commission’s Social Economy Action Plan, approved in December 2021, to the Italian context, taking into account national specificities to promote sustainable and inclusive growth.

