Non ho mai smesso di ragionare: a new book by prof. Carlo Borzaga
Professor Carlo Borzaga's ‘intellectual testament’ is available online and in bookshops: a valuable collection of speeches, publications, interviews and unpublished writings on the role of cooperative organisations and social enterprises. It will be presented in Trento on September 13th.
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Scientific Colloquium: final days to submit applications
There are only a few days left to submit abstracts for the 18th Scientific Colloquium on Social Enterprise, organized by Iris Network in collaboration with the Department of Economics of the University of Perugia and the Perugia Foundation, which will take place in Perugia on 18th and 19th October. It is still possible to apply until September 8th.
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Strategic planning for third sector organizations
In the coming months, Euricse will engage in two key consulting projects: the second edition of the Caritro Foundation's grant program "Tra Dire e Fare", which will aid 10 Trentino-based nonprofit organizations in elaborating strategic plans and, in partnership with Erickson, the development of the local "Piano di Zona" for "Brescia Ovest Solidale" Special Agency.
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Training start-ups in the social economy
On September 11th and 12th, Euricse and Pluriversum will launch the first training phase of the Ikigai Social Hub. The initiative, promoted with the support of the Mps Foundation, aims to transform ideas into concrete projects to address social, economic and environmental challenges, encouraging the creation and establishment of new start-ups in the social economy.
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Experiences of active communities in Trentino
On September 13th, at the Fondazione Caritro in Trento, there will be a meeting dedicated to new models of local and sustainable development. Jacopo Sforzi, senior researcher at Euricse, will offer a training session on ‘enterprising communities’. CSV Trentino together with Mirella Maturo from Euricse will organise a participatory workshop.
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European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems
The European Commission is conducting a study, known as the "European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems", to track how European companies are advancing in adopting sustainable business models, clean technologies, and digital transformation. We encourage all social economy organizations to participate in this study to help shape future policies.
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Study on the SCE Statute in Europe
The European Commission (DG GROW - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs) commissioned Euricse to conduct a research study on the implementation of the Regulation on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE) in the 30 EU/EEA Member States.
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The new frontiers of volunteering
Euricse, with CSV Trentino and Labsus, is launching a research project funded by the Caritro Foundation. Coordinated by researcher Giacomo Pisani, the study will examine the balance between two aspects of volunteering: its political role in social change and its service provision function within welfare systems.
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Esira, first steps in the Trentino region
The Esira project, which involves Euricse and Cooperazione Trentina in collaboration with fifteen other European partners, has taken its first steps also in Trentino. In July, the cities of Rovereto and Pergine Valsugana hosted two meetings to present the initiative.
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First national meeting of Community enterprises
Mark your calendar for the 1st national meeting of italian community enterprises which will take place in Cavalese, in the beautiful Val di Fiemme, Trentino, Italy, next December 5 and 6, 2024.
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Accelerating start-ups in the social economy
The first phase of IKIGAI Social Hub, an initiative of Euricse and Pluriversum, supported by the Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) Foundation, aimed at young entrepreneurs, social enterprises and associations will get underway in September.
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Scientific Colloquium: abstract submission deadline extended
There is time until September 8 to submit an abstract for the 18th Scientific Colloquium on Social Enterprise organised by Iris Network in Perugia on 18-19 October 2024. This year, the main theme will be the role of scientific research in supporting policies for social enterprises in Europe.
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