Emes Training School on social economy approaching in Trento

17 June 2024

From June 30 to July 4, Trento will host the Training School of the Emes network, the international research network on social enterprise and social economy, in collaboration with Euricse and the University of Trento. This ninth edition, the second in Trento after the 2012 edition, will focus on the main themes of social economy and social innovation. A leading summer training for more than fifty PhD students and researchers and more than twenty faculty members from around the world. This year the event will honor the memory of Professor Carlo Borzaga, co-founder of the EMES network and President Emeritus of Euricse, with a plenary session scheduled for July 2 and dedicated to his contribution to the study of social enterprises.


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The 9th edition of the EMES International Training School, promoted in collaboration with Euricse and the University of Trento, aims to develop research skills that are able to provide answers to the complex challenges of our times. This event represents an extraordinary opportunity for more than 50 young researchers and scholars to participate in advanced training and to interact with colleagues from around the world. To ensure wider participation of young men and women researchers, thanks to funding from the European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC) project under the Erasmus+ Blueprint program, the organizers have made available several scholarships.

During the four days at the University of Trento spaces, participants will have the opportunity to present their research projects and participate in discussion sessions with faculty from the University of Trento, Euricse, and other universities and international research centers, as well as representatives from Italian, European and International social economy organizations.

Interactive workshops will be organized with the aim of delving into research methodologies applicable to the social economy, and the results of recent theoretical research spanning different research strands will be presented. Innovative projects (such as the European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC) project under the Erasmus+ Blueprint program, with Euricse among the 15 European partners involved) exploring the emerging frontiers of the social economy and development strategies in this field will also be presented.

The Summer School organized by EMES is distinguished by its interdisciplinary approach and close integration of theory and practice. In addition to lectures, the program includes study visits to local cooperatives and social enterprises, offering a deeply immersive and effective educational experience. There will also be no shortage of convivial moments, designed to stimulate new relationships and planning.

The event will begin in the late afternoon of Sunday, June 30, with a welcome meeting aimed at facilitating acquaintance and interaction among participants.

Highlights include, at the conference room of the Faculty of Economics, the inauguration on Monday, July 1 from 8:30 a.m. with institutional speeches by Mario Diani, president of Euricse, Flavio Deflorian, rector of the University of Trento, Francesca Petrella (Emes – Marseille University), Niina Karvinen (Esic project coordinator) and Francesca Forno (University of Trento – Emes), among others.

A plenary session dedicated to Professor Carlo Borzaga and his contribution in social enterprise studies is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2, at 11 a.m., also at the Faculty of Economics conference room. It will be coordinated by Professor Mary O’Shaughnessy of University College Cork, who will dialogue with Professor Lorenzo Sacconi of La Statale University in Milan and give space for a brief reflection to Professors Lars Hulgard and Francesca Petrella.

On Thursday, July 4 from 11 a.m. there will be a panel discussion moderated by Gianluca Salvatori, secretary general of Euricse, which will address the new challenges of transdisciplinary research: speakers will include Sara Capuzzo (ènostra), Piera Lepore (Idee in Rete), Francesca Gennai (Consortium Consolida), Kai Roland Green (Aarhus University, Denmark), Giulia Galera (Euricse) and Manuela Paulmichl (Cooperative Office, Autonomous Province of Bolzano).

This will be followed by the closing of the Summer School and a ceremony to award certificates of participation.

For more details about the program and for more information, please visit the official Euricse or EMES website.
