Community enterprises and the commons. An evolving phenomenon

Publication date: 20 May 2020
Research areas: Local development
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Local development, Commons
Organizational types: Community cooperatives
Tags: local development, beni comuni, cooperative di comunità, sviluppo di comunità, Community cooperatives, commons

This Report is a continuation of the work carried out with the aim of further accurately understanding the relevance of community enterprises as a new business model and grasping their potential in different Italian contexts. In particular, the focus is on investigating the generative processes of community enterprises, their ability to foster the protagonism of inhabitants in the co-production and co-management of goods and services in the territories of reference, the ability of these experiences to be replicable and to their institutionalization processes.

Unlike what was done in the research published at the end of 2018, this new survey focuses mainly on community enterprises born between the end of 2017 and 2019, with particular attention to the types of activities they carry out. This is a period, as we will see, that has seen the relevance of this new model of production organization increase in terms of numbers as well, thanks in part to a number of public and private interventions geared towards supporting the rise and sustaining of community enterprises throughout the country.

