The Social economy as a paradigm for the present and future of Europe: Elements and Action plan

Publication date: 9 March 2021
Research areas: Public policy
Publication categories: Documents
Arguments: Theory and definitions
Organizational types: Third sector organizations
Tags: Europe, position paper, action plan, social economy

For over a decade, Diesis Network and Euricse have been working on, with and for the European social economy. As the European Commission prepares to launch a new Action Plan for the Social Economy, it seemed important to share some observations that we have drawn from our experience as practitioners and researchers. To this end, we wrote the position paper “The Social economy as a paradigm for the present and future of Europe: Elements for an Action plan”. The document outlines the key elements that in our opinion should be taken into account in the Action Plan, as a contribution to the Roadmap published by the European Commission on march 1st, 2021.
