Final study on the implementation of the Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE) Part I
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 in EU Member States and EEA countries (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). The focus is on the rules applied to the European Cooperative Society (SCE), national cooperative legislation, and the impact of the SCE statute on national laws and the promotion of cooperatives in Europe.
The SCE project was conducted under a service contract between the European Commission’s DG Enterprise and Industry and a Consortium led by Cooperatives Europe, EKAI Center, and Euricse.
The project primarily addresses two main themes from a legal perspective: Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for the European Cooperative Society and national cooperative laws in the 30 countries involved. Although these topics are interconnected, the study treats them with a degree of independence, aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of cooperative law in Europe to support the European Commission’s 2004 goals for promoting cooperative societies.
The first part of the final study includes a synthesis and comparative report, outlining the theoretical framework, the practical application of the SCE Regulation, and a comparative analysis of European national cooperative legislation.