Final study on the implementation of the Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE) Part I

Publication date: 1 October 2010
Research areas: Legal framework
Publication categories: Research Reports
Tags: imprese sociali, cooperatives, social enterprises, Europe, EU projects, cooperative

The research reports illustrate the results of the research projects conducted by Euricse.

The ―SCE project has been carried out thanks to, and in execution of a service contract between the European Commission-DG Enterprise and Industry and a Consortium formed by Cooperatives Europe, EKAI Center , and EURICSE, which represented and led the Consortium.

The first part of this overall final study contains a synthesis and comparative report. This section puts forward the theoretical framework and ascertains the empirical application of the SCE Regulation and it outlines the principal features of European national cooperative legislation, presenting a comparative analysis of said legislation
