Community-supported agriculture in Italy

Publication date: 18 July 2023
Research areas: Local development
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Local development
Organizational types: Agricultural cooperatives, Community cooperatives
Tags: community agriculture, social agriculture, Community Supported Agriculture, agriculture, agricoltura, agricoltura di comunità, agricoltura sociale

This Report, produced as part of the research project “Enterprising Communities in Search of Social Transformation Practices,” focuses on the role of Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) which are a model of agribusiness production, distribution and consumption based on direct partnerships between agricultural producers and consumers. They share the risks, responsibilities and benefits of agriculture through a binding long-term agreement. CSAs, which are among the Alternative Food Network models, are characterized by a strong focus on the local dimension and the direct relationship between producer and consumer.

These experiences are oriented toward solidarity and sustainability, opposing the prevailing system of agribusiness corporations. They have significant social value and are seen as counter-narrative alternatives to industrial food. This research report, produced in collaboration with Alessandra Piccoli and Adanella Rossi, coordinators of the NUMES project, supported by the Fondazione Finanza Etica, is an Italian overview of CSAs in Italy.

The first part of the report provides a general background on the CSA phenomenon, analyzing its evolution over time and its geographical distribution.

The second part explores the establishment pathways and management models of CSAs, as well as the motivations for members to join such communities. The economic dimension and recognition by external stakeholders are also explored.

The third part presents three experiences of CSAs located in different contexts, including their history, organizational model, community involvement tools and operating context.

The objective of the empirical analysis is to highlight the operational peculiarities of CSAs compared to other production and consumption models, as well as the challenges they face.
