Reception and inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Italy. Challenges and evolutionary dynamics
This publication builds on the fruitful discussion forum promoted by the conference “The Reception of Asylum Seekers and Refugees: an Open Challenge,” organized on October 25, 2019 by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italy Foundation and the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, which was attended by a large group of researchers, experts and practitioners.
Beginning with a preliminary analysis of migration trends at the international level, the book focuses on the critical issues and limitations of Italian immigration law, demonstrating how autonomy and independence for asylum seekers and refugees is, within the current reception system, a difficult goal to achieve.
A system the Italian one that, being driven mostly by emergency and cost containment logics, has not proved able to reap the benefits, let alone systematize the many experiments in widespread micro-housing and inclusion that have developed all along the boot thanks to the spontaneous and voluntary mobilization of local communities and the experimentation of models of land management, housing and integration open to the involvement of different local actors.