From Ecuador to Trento: second study visit on social economy and cooperative credit

11 June 2024

The second edition of the “Innovation, Leadership and Governance for Cooperatives” course organized by Euricse, in collaboration with Finanzas Inclusivas y Gobernanza (FIG) and ICORED concluded with great satisfaction.

On June 4-6, the delegation of representatives, managers and administrators of cooperative banks from Ecuador participated in an in-person study visit to Trento. This experience provided a valuable opportunity to interact on the topics of innovation and cooperative governance through theoretical classroom insights, curated by lecturers and experts from local entities and institutions such as Euricse, Cassa Centrale Banca, and Cooperazione Trentina.

Study visits to the spaces of some cooperative realities present in the Trentino region such as the Coworking Alta Valsugana Smart Valley, the Bank for Trentino-Alto Adige, and Cantine Mezzacorona further enriched the training experience, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and understanding of the impact on the territories of good practices in the cooperative credit sector.

Following the first edition in April, the interest shown by participants confirms the importance of strengthening dialogue and collaboration between cooperative entities and institutions at the international level. In this context, Euricse aims to continue to share its extensive experience in understanding the dynamics of the social economy through targeted training courses, with the aim of contributing to knowledge of the cooperative model both locally and globally.
