Great satisfaction for the Emes Summer School

6 July 2024

From June 30th to July 4th, Trento hosted the 9th edition of the EMES International Training School. The event, organized in Trento by EMES and Euricse in collaboration with the University of Trento and within the scope of the ESIC (Erasmus+ Blueprint) project, was dedicated to the memory of Professor Carlo Borzaga, co-founder of the network, and was attended by over 50 young researchers from all over the world. The program included lectures and workshops on topics such as the social economy, social innovation, alternative economic paradigms, stakeholder engagement and well-being in academia. There were also visits to local social economy organizations focusing on the topic of social inclusion, as well as convivial moments to exchange ideas and future projects. A warm thank you to all participants for making this edition unforgettable!
