Silvia Sacchetti
Silvia Sacchetti has a PhD from the University of Birmingham (UK), and is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (Italy) where she teaches courses in third sector organizations and international political economy.
Her research interests include inclusive development of economies, from the perspective of third sector organizations and inclusive governance structures, cooperative enterprises and social enterprises, in the context of cultural and welfare services. It currently focuses on governance and networking of organizations producing meritorious goods, as well as the motivations and vitality of workers and users, mainly within
- the cultural sector, and particularly creative occupations and nonprofit cultural organizations, currently focusing on voluntary cultural organizations, music schools, and musicians;
- work integration social enterprises.
Silvia’s most recent publications have appeared in Review of Social Economy, Journal of Management and Governance, Journal of Co-Operative Organization and Management, Social Enterprise, Corporate Governance (the International Journal Of Business in Society), Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, European Planning Studies.
Silvia is Co-Chief Editor of the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) and a member of the Board of the European Management Journal.
She is also a member of EMES and the European Research Board of the International Cooperative Alliance.