Mapping Study on social enterprise eco-systems (follow-up)

Project status: on-going


During 2013 and 2014 the ICF GHK Consulting conducted a study on behalf of the European Commission aimed at mapping social enterprises in 29 European countries. Euricse was in charge of coordinating a Quality Check Team who provided methodological support to ICF GHK and the Commission.


As a follow-up of the first Mapping study, the Commission has recently decided to run a new project, with 3 objectives:

  •  To improve the quality of the evidence presented in seven country reports produced in 2014 and to provide background information and illustrative examples.
  •  To exploit the potential of the country reports for boosting public awareness on social enterprise involving a wide range of experts, practitioners and stakeholders.
  •  To allow for a comparative analysis and the assessment of policy implications.

The communication agency Tipik has been appointed by the Commission and will be in charge of the implementation of the new mapping project. Euricse, together with the EMES Research Network, will be responsible for supervising the updating of the study at national and EU level. To this end, a team of experts in seven selected countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Poland and Slovakia) has been identified. The revision of the country reports, based on different rounds of data collection, will draw on an innovative participatory methodology, consisting in a wiki platform set up on the Europa portal, which will be moderated at national level by the seven experts. The wiki platform will encourage  different stakeholders (researchers, practitioners, national and local authorities) to contribute to the study by providing their comments and feedbacks.

Main results

As a result of the project, a final synthesis report, an executive summary and seven country reports will be published by the European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.


European commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EMES Research Network, Tipik communication agency.
