“Tackling the migration and refugee challenge”

22 October 2018

How to Complete your Registration for the Research Workshop

We only have a few weeks left and the WG 2 Research Workshop Programme of our EMPOWER-SE COST ACTION is ready. The Research Seminar “Tackling the migration and refugee challenge” will take place on November 22 – 23, 2018, at the University of Trento (Department of Sociology and Social Research). As the workshop approaches, the organisers collected some practical information about the venue, how to get to the venue, about hotels and other useful information. First step: please complete this form. Remember that we have created hashtags for the social media that you can use: #WG2socentmigration and #EMPOWERSE_COST and you can use @euricse, @emesnetwork and @COSTprogramme to tag the organizers.


Click here to fill out the registration form


EMPOWER-SE COST Action, EMES Network, Euricse, University of Trento.

Partner projects

Scope of the seminar
This seminar focuses on the potential of local communities to self-organize and
design effective solutions for tackling the challenges posed by migrations to local
societies, namely through the creation of innovative organizations



Some special room fees will be reserved for the participants in the two hotels below. All those intending to enjoy these facilities must make, as soon as possible, their own reservation directly at the hotel, qualifying themselves as participants in the Conference WG2 Research Workshop on “Tackling the Migration and Refugee Challenge” and asking for the special rate reserved for the University of Trento.

Hotel Single room Double used as single
ACCADEMIA ****  www.accademiahotel.it
Vicolo Colico 4/6 – Trento
tel.+39 0461 233600
[email protected]
74,00€ € 86,00 (classic)

Via Torre Verde 50 – Trento
tel. +39 0461 983010
[email protected]

72,00€ 82,00€



As you all know, our COST fund allow us to reimburse eligible participants. This means that you will be able to receive financial support for your travel, accommodation and meal expenses in line with the eligible expenses. Below, you will find the rules that you should follow if you want to be reimbursed:


  • General rule: Reimbursement is contribution-based (not contributor-based). This means that multiple-author contribution should decide which author will benefit from the COST refunds.


  • Practical information: In order to foster social networking as well as facilitating local transport, we propose to stay in the hotels listed below.


  • Procedural demands: A series of explicit rules are defined in the COST vade mecum. We ask that you read instructions of the COST Vademecum (p. 23).


  • Eligible expenses: The maximum travel allocation (including local transport) is 350€. Please book your travel ASAP or else there is a risk that the rate increases as the date gets closer. The maximum accommodation rate (per night) is 90€ for a maximum of three nights. For more details on reimbursement, we ask that you read instructions of the COST Vademecum (pp. 24-27). It’s very important to understand that COST will not reimburse any amount that exceeds those cost ceilings.




Logistics information



