User cooperatives in Italy and Europe

Publication date: 18 March 2015
Research areas: Innovative models
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: International models and mapping, Innovation
Organizational types: User cooperatives
Tags: welfare, cooperatives, concern for community, democratic participation, Europe

The aim of this report is to initiate a balanced reassessment of the role of cooperative organizations, particularly in light of the ongoing liberalization process, which raises questions about the ideal organizational form for public service management entities.

Through a comprehensive examination of user cooperatives in Italy’s local public service sector, including data on various service areas (such as energy, water, waste management, transportation, and telecommunications) presented systematically for the first time, this work seeks to shed light on the significance of cooperative models.

Additionally, it explores notable Italian case studies and reviews data and institutional forms of similar cooperatives in Europe, focusing on France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
