The third way for local public services: potential and limitations of user cooperatives

Publication date: 24 March 2015
Research areas: Innovative models
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Commons, Local development
Organizational types: User cooperatives
Tags: community, cooperatives, democratic participation

The aim of the research “The third way for local public services: potential and limits of user cooperatives” is to explore citizen-user cooperation as an alternative to traditional models for local public services.

The report, focused on water services in the areas of Trento and Rovereto, examines both the economic and legal aspects of this new perspective, emphasizing the need to adapt the traditional model of user cooperation to ensure its effectiveness in urban and medium-large contexts.

Divided into two main parts – one legal, curated by Silvia Pellizzari, and one economic, curated by Francesca Spinicci – the report offers a detailed analysis of the issues and opportunities associated with this innovation.
