Amif Momentum, “work in progress”

4 July 2022
MOMENTUM –“Breaking silos, promoting young third-country national women’s access to targeted vocational training and labour market opportunities through social economy” is the new project funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. It will facilitate the socio-economic integration of migrant and refugee women, through interventions in the sector of social economy, in 5 European countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Hungary). Euricse is the leader of Work Package 2, which aims at mapping the obstacles and gendered needs faced by young TCN women in accessing vocational training programmes and the labour market in the five partner countries. To learn more about MOMENTUM you can visit the official website and stay connected with us through the 4 newsletters that will be sent from now until the end of the project! Read the Momentum Project – Newsletter 01 If you want you can subscribe here to keep on updating