Maura Latini (Coop Italia) «Il mondo cooperativo? Ritrovi coerenza e avvii una strategia a lungo termine»

Maura Latini, amministratore delegato di Coop Italia, prima italiana nella classifica dell’ottavo World Cooperative Monitor, sottolinea: «Non ci può essere crescita economica se non garantendo occupazione sostenibile. Ogni giorno Coop si impegna a garantire la legalità del lavoro» Il rapporto World Cooperative Monitor 2019 esplora l’impatto economico e sociale delle più grandi… Read More

UN Inter-Agency task force on SSE, the International Conference in Geneva

The General Secretary of Euricse, Gianluca Salvatori, participated on the 25th and 26th of June at  International Conference on SSE in Geneva. This event is part of a series of conferences resulting from the Call for Papers “Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?” launched… Read More

Call for Papers: “Tackling the migration and refugee challenge”

The Research Seminar "Tackling the migration and refugee challenge" will take place on November 22 - 23, 2018 at the University of Trento, Italy – Department of Sociology and Social Research. The seminar is aimed to reflect on the potential of local communities to self-organize and design effective solutions for tackling the challenges posed by migrations to local societies, particularly, the creation of innovative organizations. Read More

9th International workshop on cooperative finance and sustainable development | Registrations are now open

14-15 June 2018, Trento, Italy Euricse announces the organization of the 9th Euricse International Workshop on Cooperative Finance and Sustainable Development. The workshop, organized in collaboration with the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento and Federcasse (Italian Federation of Cooperative Credit Banks), with the support of EACB (the European Association of Co-operative Banks), will be held in Trento, Italy on June 14th and 15th, 2018. Read More

World Co-operative Monitor Call for Data. Deadline April 30th 2018

The World Co-operative Monitor, published by the International Co-operative Alliance in conjunction with our scientific partner, Euricse, has become the premier source of annual data on the size of the co-operative economy. It has become a crucial resource for raising the co-operative profile and impact with policymakers, industry professionals and the public at large. It is also an important tool for researchers around the globe. Read More