Personalisation and Social Entrepreneurship, a concluding analysis

We report some concluding comments on the European Summer School on Social Economy, from Dina Rakin* Two years ago I have heard for the ESSE Summer School from my dearest colleague. “Since you are curious about the social economy world and you are into questioning so many aspects of it, this school is for you”, she said. And she was right. Simple explanation, maybe too obvious. Read More

European Summer School on Social Economy, the second day described by Dina Rakin

Dina Rakin* shares her impressions on the second day of the European Summer School on Social Economy in Bertinoro. Dennis R. Young and Silvia Ferreira, lecturers of the day, were committed to place the concept of personalisation into the existing theory and practice of Non-Profits, mainly Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship. User is the key word. How the type of financing of Social Enterprise and its legal form influence users and how the characteristics of a social entrepreneur respond to the users! Read More

World Co-operative Monitor data to be presented at Expo 2015 ICA conference

As the theme of Expo 2015 - “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” suggests, much attention is being paid to agricultural practices and food systems, but how well do we understand the impact and role cooperatives play in ensuring high quality products, decent wages, and sustainable development? Despite the large share of agricultural production around the world organized in the cooperative form, data on this type of enterprise is still scarce. Read More

Euricse at the 5th EMES International research conference on Social Enterprise

Following the Pre-conference forum, the 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise “Building a scientific  field to foster social enterprise eco-system” has officially started today with the plenary session “Social Enterprise and the third sector: Changing landscapes in an international perspective” chaired by Marthe Nyssens, founding member of the EMES European Research Network and Professor at the University of Louvain. Read More