Accelerating start-ups in the social economy

The first phase of IKIGAI Social Hub, an initiative of Euricse and Pluriversum, supported by the Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) Foundation, aimed at young entrepreneurs, social enterprises and associations will get underway in September. Read More

National Competence Center for Social Innovation SEED

On the 10th of July, the National Competence Centre for Social Innovation SEED was officially inaugurated at the press room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. This platform, the first of this kind in Italy, aims to promote knowledge of social innovation, support innovative public policies and foster collaboration between Italy and other European competence centers.  Read More

Great satisfaction for the Emes Summer School

From June 30th to July 4th, Euricse hosted the 9th edition of the EMES International Training School. The event, organized in Trento by EMES and Euricse in collaboration with the University of Trento and within the scope of the ESIC (Erasmus+ Blueprint) project, was dedicated to the memory of Professor Carlo Borzaga. Read More

In Trento the 9th edition of the Summer School of the international research network EMES

The 9th International Training School organized by EMES, the international social enterprise research network in collaboration with Euricse at the University of Trento within the scope of the ESIC project (Erasmus+ Blueprint), will be held in Trento from June 30 to July 4. This year the event will honor the memory of Professor Carlo Borzaga, co-founder of the EMES network and President Emeritus of Euricse... Read More

Jeod: the new issue is out

The new issue of the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD), published by Euricse (Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024), has been released. It features five new research articles on current topics: measuring the organizational horizontality in Argentinian software SMEs; author Alfonso Estragó financing worker buyouts in Italy;… Read More

Accelerating start-ups in the social economy

IKIGAI Social Hub is the new start-up accelerator program for social economy enterprises, promoted by the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation in collaboration with Euricse and the Pluriversum consortium. Dedicated to young aspiring social entrepreneurs, associations and cooperatives, the program aims to establish new businesses in the social economy with a focus on the region of Tuscany. The… Read More

Classroom lessons for Master’s GIS students

On Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25, Master of Social Enterprise Management students participated in two intense days of in-person lectures, opened by Prof. Luca Fazzi on planning, with talks by experts such as Martino Orler and Giulia Cutello, and a workshop led by Mirella Maturo. Read More