The Social Economy: Primacy of People

On Friday, July 15th, the inaugural conference of the activities of the Monitoring Committee of the Luxembourg Declaration on Social and Solidarity Economy in Europe, under Italian presidency for 2022, was held in Trento. The event, titled The Social Economy: Primacy of… Read More

Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy

UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub’s project output, Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy, has been uploaded to the UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub website and Edward Elgar Companion Website (Resource website and Main book page).Euricse contributed to the enrichment of this Encyclopedia with three… Read More

Amif Momentum, “work in progress”

MOMENTUM –“Breaking silos, promoting young third-country national women’s access to targeted vocational training and labour market opportunities through social economy” is the new project funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. It will facilitate the socio-economic integration of migrant and refugee women, through interventions in the sector of social… Read More

July 2 is CoopsDay

On July 2nd cooperatives all around the world will celebrate the 100th International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay). A decade on from the UN International Year of Cooperatives, which showcased the unique contribution of cooperatives to making the world a better place, this year’s #CoopsDay slogan –“Cooperatives Build… Read More

Social and solidarity economy and decent work

The 110th International Labour Conference of the ILO in Geneva focused its general discussion on the topic of social and solidarity economy and its relationship with decent work. Euricse Secretary General Gianluca Salvatori participated as a member of the Italian delegation in the drafting group to which the concluding document was entrusted. The … Read More

New working papers in Euricse series

The 110th International Labour Conference of the ILO in Geneva focused its general discussion on the topic of social and solidarity economy and its relationship with decent work. Euricse Secretary General Gianluca Salvatori participated as a member of the Italian delegation in the drafting group to which the concluding document was entrusted. The … Read More

B-Wise project in the spotlight

At a round of academic events, Euricse gave special attention to the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector and its mapping in Europe in the context of the European project B-Wise. Our researchers Giulia Galera and Giulia Tallarini attended the European Social Economy Summit (EUSES) in Strasbourg and the Iris Network Scientific Colloquium to illustrate some… Read More

Highlights on Cooperative Finance

On June 16 and 17, Euricse organized the 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Responsible Finance for Development in Trento, in collaboration with Federcasse, the University of Trento (Department of Economics and Management) and with the support of the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB). During the workshop, scholars and… Read More

SEED transnational meeting in Slovenia

SEED EU Project Partners met in Ljubljana on May 19-20 for the 3rd transnational partner meeting. The event provided an interesting opportunity to work together, present intermediate results of the project, and outline future actions. The SEED learning repository will soon be available online, was one of the results of WP2 presented on… Read More

The new issue of Jeod is out!

Urban regeneration through cultural third sector organizations; the role of multi-stakeholder governance and price discrimination in social enterprises and welfare systems; the importance of sharing social impact data; an in-depth report about the Academy of Korean studies international conference on reciprocity and a book review of Eric Bidet and Jacques Defourny’s last publication on social enterprises in Asia. These… Read More