The analysis of policies is a topic worth of consideration, because it turns the focus back on social organizations, especially on a local scale, thanks, in part, to the recent Third Sector Reform. The consultancy service offered by Euricse offers an approach to both legal and policy norms that not… Read More
The relation with all stakeholders, especially the main ones, is fraught with resources and management problems. It is thus necessary to find the assets best suited to pursuit the mission, initiating and fostering the potential benefits that can come from interacting with the social foundations of the organization. Euricse helps… Read More
The regeneration of goods and the management of general interest services are a new route for community initiatives. Local groups can organize and act in order to implement new and solid solutions to problems that start on a local scale. The potential benefits and the management of community participation… Read More
To foster social innovation and contribute to the creation and stabilisation of cooperative networks, we favour the building of shared paths, open to interactions with stakeholders that can bring skills and resources to the fold, constantly keeping into consideration the current welfare policies. Either acting on already existing elements… Read More
Starting from the main transformation lines we draw a plan from which i twill be possible to implement long-range operational strategies, able to both intercept and create social and economic resources. We gather data and info from the organizations and their main stakeholders in order to draft detailed and… Read More
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