Cooperative Law: The importance of a regulatory framework at the EU level
Euricse and EESC are pleased to invite you to the presentation of:
The draft Principles of European Cooperative Law
June 9th at 11.30 at the Jacques Delors Building (room JDE 63) Brussels
The event will be dedicated to the presentation of the draft Principles of European Cooperative Law (PECOL), a research study conducted by Euricse’s Study Group on European Cooperative Law (SGECOL).
The PECOL are “ideal” principles of cooperative law drafted by scholars. They take the form of legal provisions accompanied by explanatory comments and they are developed on the basis of existing cooperative law in Europe, focusing in particular on seven European jurisdictions (Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK).
PECOL is a scientific work capable of serving many potential functions, depending on the users’ particular needs.
During the event the draft of “Principles” will be discussed in order for the Study Group to receive useful feedback for the formulation of the final draft of the PECOL study. The Final PECOL study will be published together with the national reports on the basis of which the “Principles” were formulated. All this will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and understand the state of cooperative law in Europe and its future prospects.
Due to the importance and specificity of this work, we would like to present it to a selected group of policy makers, officials and representatives of the cooperative movement. Your opinion on the subject would be particularly precious.
Download here the Draft Principles of European Cooperative Law
12:00 Welcome and introduction
Gianluca Salvatori (Euricse)
Luca Jahier* (EESC)
12:15 Comments and contributions from
Charles Gould (ICA)
Jean Louis Bancel (Crédit Coopératif)
12:30 Presentation of the draft principles of European Cooperative Law
The member of the SGECOL group: professors Isabel Gemma Fajardo Garcia (Spain); Antonio Fici (Italy); Hagen Henrÿ (Finland); David Hiez (France); Deolinda Meira (Portugal); Hans Münkner (Germany); and Ian Snaith (UK).
14:00 Comments and contributions from:
Ger van der Sangen (Tilburg University)
Jacques Defourny* (University of Liege)
15:00 Debate
As space is limited, prior registration is required. The registration form is available on this page.
(*To be confirmed)