Trento Festival of Economics: honouring Carlo Borzaga

30 April 2024

At the international Festival of Economics in Trento, Euricse is organizing a panel honouring prof. Carlo Borzaga, Founder and President Emeritus of our research institute, to delve deeper into the themes of his research, particularly his studies on cooperation and Third Sector organizations.
The event titled “Enterprise transforming society” will be held on Friday May 24 at 4:30 p.m. in the courtyard of the Rector’s Office of the University of Trento (Palazzo Sardagna). Alongside Giulia Galera, senior researcher at Euricse, speakers who have closely collaborated with him will engage in dialogue:  prof. Benedetto Gui of Sophia University Institute, prof. Lorenzo Sacconi of the University of Milan, prof. Anna Grandori of Bocconi University in Milan and prof. Mary O’Shaughnessy of Cork University Business School. At the opening, a special greeting will also be offered by Trento University Chancellor Flavio Deflorian. 

