Non ho mai smesso di ragionare: a new book by prof. Carlo Borzaga

28 August 2024

The book “Non ho mai smesso di ragionare. Impresa sociale e biodiversità imprenditoriale” (I have never stopped thinking. Social enterprise and entrepreneurial biodiversity) by professor Carlo Borzaga, founder of the European institute Euricse and co-founder of Emes International Research Network, is now available online and in italian bookstores. Professor Borzaga, who passed away in March 2024 after a long illness, dedicated forty years of his career to exploring the role of cooperatives and social enterprises, advocating for the diversity of enterprise forms against market conformity. The volume, edited by Gianfranco Marocchi, includes a selection of Borzaga’s articles, interviews, and unpublished writings. Published by ViTrenD in collaboration with the Fondazione Don Lorenzo Guetti, and supported by Euricse and the Province of Trento, the book will be presented in Trento the 13th of September.

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