Barbara Franchini
Barbara Franchini holds a MA degree in Economics at the University of Trento and a MA diploma in Management of NPOs and social enterprises at the same University. She has worked for several years as project manager in the international development cooperation sector, serving the United Nations, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and CSOs in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
Since 2011, she has been working at EURICSE, mainly as manager of large-scale international research projects aimed at analysing the organisations of the social economy and the policies designed to support their development and strengthen their impact.
Barbara has performed as a project manager/member of the coordination unit in several research projects commissioned/funded by the European Commission, including the following: “International Research Exchange on Cooperatives – INT.RE.COOP” (2012-2016); “Study on social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe” (2017-2020); “Study on the Impact of the EU Commission’s SBI and its Follow-up Actions” (2019-2020); Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises – B-WISE (WP1 “Research”, 2021-2022); “Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU social economy” (2023-2024); “Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) N. 1435/2003 on the European Cooperative Society” (2024).
Barbara is also in charge of the coordination of editorial activities, including the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD), which is listed in Scopus since 2021 and the EURICSE Working Paper Series, which includes more than 130 published papers.
Since 2021 Barbara has been a member of the board of the Trentino Foundation for Social Volunteering.
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