Chiara Carini
Chiara Carini holds a degree in Information Management Theories and Methods from the University of Brescia. At Euricse she is a senior researcher and works on the analysis of economic and social data on cooperative enterprises and, more generally, on the social economy as part of projects aimed at investigating the characteristics, dynamics, evolution and impact of cooperative enterprises on a local, national and international scale. She has edited Istat-Euricse reports on Italian cooperatives and has worked on the World Cooperative Monitor, the research report on the world’s large cooperatives, since the project’s inception.
Chiara has also been an adjunct lecturer at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart for the Psychometrics course and has been collaborating for over ten years on Statistics courses at the University of Brescia.
She is a member of the Italian Statistical Society and a member of the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission on Social and Cooperative Economy, and has been a member of the Technical Working Group on Cooperative Statistics of the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC).
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