Size and evolution of the Italian cooperative economy in 2014

Publication date: 13 April 2017
Research areas: Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Tags: rapporto Italia, resilienza, crisi, cooperative, lavoro

[Update of the third Euricse Report]

The first three Reports on cooperation published by Euricse explored the size and dynamics of the cooperative sector from 2008, when the financial crisis began, to 2013. The analyses presented in the different Reports highlighted the significant contribution of cooperation to both national value added and employment, especially in terms of stable jobs.

They also showed that, in the years between 2008 and 2013, cooperatives, given their governance structure and the purposes for which they are established, reacted to the crisis differently from other forms of enterprise by protecting, as far as possible, both production levels and employment at the expense of operating margins that have been shrinking over time.
That said, this Report intends to update the findings of the Third Report by offering a picture of the relevance of cooperatives in 2014 and their dynamics in the two-year period 2013-2014 with the aim of verifying the consequences of the choices made in previous years, not only on production and employment levels, but also on the capital structure and financial balance of these organizations.

Il valore economico ed occupazionale dell’economia cooperativa nel 2014
(C. Carini, E. Fontanari)

Le cooperative italiane sono fuori dalla crisi? Crescita, valore generato ed occupazione tra il 2013 e il 2014
(E. Fontanari, C. Carini)

Le banche di credito cooperativo: patrimonio, redditività e qualità del credito
(I. Catturani)

Nota Metodologica
