Social Economy Law
In several EU member states, a social economy law is emerging as an autonomous area of the legal system and distinct area of scientific research. The social economy is also increasingly the subject of specific policies by European institutions.
The main purpose of this volume (“Social Economy Law”) is to introduce the reader to the legal concept of the social economy, as it is being formed at the European level, also in order to assess its relationship to more familiar notions and formulas in the national context, such as that of the “Third Sector.”
The book is divided into three parts. The writings contained in the first part help to define the theoretical and institutional framework for social economy law and jurists. In the second part, on the other hand, recent Spanish, Portuguese and French social economy laws are presented. Finally, the third part explores from a comparative perspective the regulation of individual entities, such as cooperatives and social enterprises, within the unifying framework of the social economy.