Cooperative Economy. Relevance, evolution and new frontiers of Italian cooperation

Publication date: 30 September 2015
Research areas: Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Measurement and statistics
Organizational types: Third sector organizations
Tags: cooperative, fatturato, lavoro, rapporto Italia, resilienza, statistiche, resiliance, Italy, report, statistics

With a production value that exceeded 108 billion, the cooperative economy accounts for 8.5 percent of Italy’s GDP. Specifically, in 2013, Italy’s 67,062 cooperatives generated a value of production of 90.7 billion euros, while consortia 17.6 billion.

In the years of the crisis, 2008-2013, cooperatives put up a growth of 14 percent, amounting, in absolute values, to about 10 billion. In the same period, consortia recorded an increase in the value of production of 16.9 percent, corresponding to an increase of 2.4 billion euros.

These are just some of the findings contained in the Third Italy Report on Cooperation, produced by Euricse and presented at a press conference in Rome in collaboration with Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane. The survey returns an estimate of the economic and employment relevance of the cooperative system in the year 2013 – the last for which a sufficiently complete database is available – and analyzes the dynamics experienced by Italian cooperatives during the years 2011-2013 and during the crisis years (2008-2013), also in relation to other forms of enterprise.

A summary of the report is available Economia cooperativa. Rilevanza, evoluzione e nuove frontiere della cooperazione italiana.


