Production and Employment Chains: New Concrete Opportunities for Social Cooperatives in Trentino

Publication date: 30 March 2023
Research areas: Innovative models, Local development
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Social impact, Work and workers, Ecosystems and networks, Measurement and statistics, Innovation, Local development
Organizational types: Social enterprises, Social cooperatives
Tags: social cooperatives, Disadvantaged people, trentino, enterprises

This report is the result of a study conducted by Euricse as part of the research project “Production and Employment Chains: New Concrete Opportunities for Social Cooperatives in Trentino,” funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (Caritro), and it complements the other research report published as part of this project, “Production and Employment Chains: Examples of collaboration between work integration social enterprises and conventional enterprises in Croatia, Spain and France,” edited by Giulia Galera, Barbara Franchini and Giulia Tallarini (Euricse), along with some national case studies (available in English).

This research report focuses on the province of Trento and the possible lines of development of collaboration between Trentino enterprises and social cooperatives involved in the employment of people who are disadvantaged or considered weak in the labor market.

After an overview of the Trentino business fabric and the characteristics of social cooperatives, the prospects of production and employment chains are analyzed, highlighting the limits and potential of collaborations by conducting roundtables.

The third chapter presents the tools that support the relationship between social cooperatives and businesses and the territorial policies that can incentivize the realization of these relationships. Concluding remarks summarize the considerations that emerged from the various institutional actors interviewed, outlining a critical and comprehensive reading of the phenomenon analyzed.
