Italian cooperation in the years of the crisis. 2nd report on cooperation in Italy

Publication date: 26 March 2014
Research areas: Measurement and Impact, Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Measurement and statistics
Organizational types: Social cooperatives, Third sector organizations
Tags: resilience, Coops in Italy, cooperative, cooperatives, employment, statistics

The volumeĀ  “La cooperazione italiana negli anni della crisi” is published in collaboration with Area Studi Confcooperative and Centro Studi Legacoop. It portrays the Italian cooperation sector during the period 2008- 2011 and it provides a comparison with other forms of enterprises and several in-depht analysis of the different economic sectors. What is new in this second report is that for the first time the financial and economic data (from AIDA) has been integrated with the employment figures provided by the INPS (Italian national social security agency).

The book is available only in Italian
