Policy Brief on Scaling the Impact of Social Enterprises

Publication date: 13 October 2016
Research areas: Public policy
Publication categories: Research Reports
Tags: social enterprises, scaling

Social enterprises can act as catalysts for scaling social impact. To do so, they need favourable conditions; these can be ensured through policies that are targeted to their needs during their scaling trajectory. Significant space exists for policy actions aiming to inspire or help social enterprises scale their impact and tackle any challenges they may encounter along the way. This policy brief present the main strategies, along with tailored policy responses.

This Brief is another result of Euricse’s collaboration with OECD-LEED on various research activities concerning the monitoring and comparison of policy and programme approaches and the collection and dissemination of good practices throughout European countries. These activities are part of   OECD-LEED’s project “Boosting social entrepreneurship and social enterprise creation” which was assigned to OECD-LEED by the European Commission. The Brief is available here.
