WP 116 | 20 The “Care is Home” experience: a partnership between public, private and citizenship for innovation in home care support
The paper addresses the issue of support for the home care of frail elderly whose needs are not adequately met by formal offerings, of a performance nature and focused on non-self-sufficiency, and often not even within the family, which has a morphology increasingly irreconcilable with the Italian model of continuous care. In order to contribute to the identification of concrete solutions applicable at the local level, an analysis of the strategies and operational tools adopted by the project La Cura รจ di Casa promoted by a wide network of public and private entities in the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola (Vco) and seven municipalities of Alto Novarese is proposed. Innovation in the processes of governance, organization and financing of services for the elderly has enabled the introduction of new supply units that-as well as responding to light support needs-perform important functions of monitoring, prevention and health promotion. From the analysis carried out, the elements that are crucial consist of building, coordinating and maintaining a partnership between public and private actors that is regulated according to a widespread organizational model throughout the territory and that also involves citizenship through volunteer and fundraising activities.