WP 113 | 20 The performance of cooperatives and corporations from 2008 to 2015 in the provinces of Trento and Bolzano
For some time now the media, social actors and public administrators have been devoting special attention to the difficulties of the Trentino cooperative system, but with a tendency to dwell on specific realities, without instead addressing the issue in general terms, through a systematic analysis of the entire sector and its evolution. It is therefore not only useful, but necessary, to try to take a few steps forward in reflection, on the one hand by analyzing the behavior of all enterprises to understand the extent and spread of the problems and, on the other, by articulating the analysis both by areas and sectors and by legal forms.
Therefore, this article aims to delve into the role of the different forms of enterprise in the Trentino economic system, to subsequently provide a comparative assessment, first, with the neighboring province of Bolzano and, later, with the entire Italian economy.
This in-depth study will thus result in a useful exercise to verify the resilience of the evidence found in recent years by Euricse’s research also with respect to the economic-employment picture of the Trentino-Alto Adige region.