Seed2Scale for social innovation in Europe

9 January 2025

The SEED2SCALE project, funded within the framework of the European EaSI ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative programme, marks a step towards the implementation of a system of National Competence Centres on Social Innovation (NCCs), to which Euricse contributes with the objective of activating and/or consolidating five NCCs in Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia. The project represents the natural continuation of the previous SEED (2021-2023), in which Euricse participated by bringing its expertise in the social economy and which laid the foundations for the establishment of the Italian Competence Centre on Social Innovation (ICCSI).

Social innovation with a strong foundation

SEED2SCALE aims to consolidate the role of NCCs as national reference points for social innovation, working towards a more mature phase in which the Centres are characterised by:

  • Defined legal frameworks,
    Effective and sustainable governance models,
    Long-term business strategies.
The key actions of the project

The SEED2SCALE project includes several activities to support and promote NCCs, including:

  • Definition and testing of the core competencies needed for each NCC;
  • Collaboration with public authorities and stakeholders, promoting the co-design of innovative policies and solutions;
  • Development of national online platforms dedicated to social innovation;
  • Active participation in the transnational network of NCCs in the EU, to foster knowledge transfer and networking between participating countries.
The European Partner Network

SEED2SCALE draws on a strong network of partners across Europe, including academic institutions, public bodies and civil society organisations. Italian partners include the City of Turin (lead partner), the Politecnico di Torino, the Politecnico di Milano, the University of Bologna, the G. Brodolini Foundation and Euricse.

On the European level, leading institutions from Slovenia, Greece, Romania and Croatia are actively collaborating, with a total of more than 30 partners.

Center Noordung (SLO), Technology Park Ljubljana d.o.o. (SLO), Hashnet d.o.o. Slovenia (SLO), Impact Hub Ljubljana (SLO), BSC d.o.o. Kranj (SLO); ANKA (GR), Agricultural University of Athens (GR), LDK (GR), Directorate of Social and Solidarity Economy/Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family (GR), Electra Energy (GR), Association of SSE of South Aegean (GR), Higgs (GR), People’s University of Social Solidarity Economy “UnivSSE Coop” (GR), Kollektiva (GR); Fonduri Structurale (RO); ACT Group (HR), Development Agency of the City of Novska – NORA (HR), Novska Youth Association, FEB- Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb (HR), Hashnet d.o.o. Croatia (HR).


The strategic role of the Italian Centre of Competence

The Italian Centre of Competence for Social Innovation, with registered office at the Politecnico di Milano and operations at Open Incet in Turin, is a pillar of the SEED2SCALE project. Its main objectives include

  • Disseminate knowledge and technical skills on social innovation among public and private actors;
  • Promote the co-design of public policies, working with administrations at all levels to develop innovative solutions according to the principles of shared administration;
  • Facilitate the exchange of experiences with other European NCCs, contributing to an inclusive and sustainable innovation ecosystem.

Read the press release launching the Italian Competence Centre.


Prospects for the future

With SEED2SCALE, Italy and the other countries involved will benefit from advanced tools to address social challenges in an innovative, sustainable and inclusive way. The implementation of pilot projects, the definition of national strategies and the development of digital platforms are crucial steps to build a future where social innovation is at the core of public policies and private initiatives.
