Social economy in Italy
Numbers and distribution
Numbers and Distribution
The social economy, which includes entities such as cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations and social enterprises, is central to a more equitable and sustainable society.
The organisations that are part of it not only enrich the economic landscape of the country, but also combine value creation and social engagement, producing goods and services of general interest by putting the person and the community at the centre rather than profit.
The interactive charts we present here offer an overview of the main data on the social economy in Italy, resulting from the aggregation of data from the ASIA registers and the Permanent Census of Non-Profit Institutions of the National Institute of Statistics, the administrative registers (RUNTS and Albo delle Cooperative) managed respectively by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the Italian Ministry of Business and Enterprise, and the databases managed by EURICSE.
398 612
1 529 185
4 661 269