Paving the way for a more resilient Social Economy in the EU

9 December 2022

On November 14th in Brussels, the European Commission presented the transition pathway on proximity and social economy, co-created with social economy stakeholders, including Euricse, to help social economy entities and small local businesses become greener and more digital. Secretary General Gianluca Salvatori participated in the launch event on behalf of Euricse and as a member of the GECES Expert Group
Euricse was part of the team involved in the writing of the two reports on digitalization and new green deal, and carried out the analysis of the results of the survey lunched by the Commission as a public consultation.
The final document presented by the European Commissioner Thierry Breton highlights 30 key actions to be taken in the coming years to support and foster the green and digital transition for the social and proximity economy, which has been identified as one of Europe’s most interesting industry ecosystems.
