SEED transnational meeting in Slovenia

23 May 2022

SEED EU Project Partners met in Ljubljana on May 19-20 for the 3rd transnational partner meeting. The event provided an interesting opportunity to work together, present intermediate results of the project, and outline future actions. The SEED learning repository will soon be available online, was one of the results of WP2 presented on this occasion. The repository is a collection of tips and tools that guides social entrepreneurs throughout all stages of a social innovation project, from conception to implementation and monitoring. Subsequently, participants were involved in an interactive exercise in which they shared their views and feedback on National workshops organised in each partner country in the weeks before this meeting to design national competence centres. On this occasion, national pilot projects were presented. The Slovenian partners organised a study visit for all participants to the Business incubator Katapult Trbovlje. Among many interesting cases, it was presented a social innovation project to improve children’s maths skills through an innovative hands-on learning approach. Children are guided through the several practical applications of mathematics and are encouraged to think that most of the technology they like, including robots and virtual reality, would not be possible without maths.
