Upcoming November book releases

1 November 2023

We are pleased to announce two upcoming book releases in November, in partnership with Euricse and leading Italian publishers. The first book, “Practical Guide to Co-programming and Co-designing. Strategies and Tools for Building Collaborative Agendas,” represents the first comprehensive toolkit for professionals and managers in both public administration and third-sector organizations to effectively approach new collaborative welfare tools. Written by Luca Fazzi, Carlo Borzaga, and Angela Rosignoli, it is published by Edizioni Erickson and will be available from November 3, 2023.
The second book, “The Revolution of Social Enterprise. Towards a Renewed Civic Society Leadership” edited by Carlo Borzaga and Giulia Galera, and published by Fondazione Feltrinelli, promotes the fundamental role of social enterprises and the participation of shared forms of managing goods and services of general interest. It will be on sale from November 10, 2023.
