Production and Employment Chains: Examples of collaboration between work integration social enterpreises and conventional enterpreises in Croatia, Spain and France

Publication date: 30 March 2023
Research areas: Local development, Innovative models
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Work and workers, Ecosystems and networks, Innovation, Local development, International models and mapping
Organizational types: Social cooperatives, Social enterprises
Tags: social enterprises, wises, job placement, work integration social enteprises, employment

This report is the result of a study conducted by Euricse as part of the research project “Production and Employment Chains: new concrete opportunities for social cooperatives in Trentino” funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (Fondazione Caritro) and is in addition to the other research report published as part of this project, entitled “Production and Employment Chains: New Concrete Opportunities for Social Cooperatives in Trentino” edited by Sara Depedri and Stefania Turri (Euricse).

The report analyzes European policies and strategies that promote collaboration between work integration social enterprises and conventional enterprises for the employment and training of disadvantaged people. Six case studies of collaboration in Croatia, Spain, and France are prsented, and a description of the national context in which work integration social enterprises have developed is provided.

The types of work integration social enterprises, their integration models, and the beneficiaries of their activities are also examined. Each case study highlights the drivers that encourage enterprises to collaborate, the barriers and challenges that challenge these partnerships, the results achieved, and the prospects for partnership development. Finally, the report offers concluding remarks based on the analyses conducted.

Completing the report are an appendix and three annexes: the appendix (included in the report) lists the privileged observers interviewed as part of the case studies presented in this report and the experts interviewed at the European level; the three reports (in English) of the national researchers hired by Euricse to conduct the case studies are made available below:

