Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe

Publication date: 18 January 2020
Research areas: Theory and definitions
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: International models and mapping
Organizational types: Social enterprises
Tags: social enterprises, EMES, imprese sociali, Europa

Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe: Comparative Synthesis Report is a comparative synthesis report that is part of the Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe study and provides an updated overview of the mapping of social enterprises in Europe based on information available as of January 2020. It is a publication prepared by Euricse and EMES Network on behalf of the European Commission, EaSI Program (Employment and Social Innovation, 2014-2020).

European Commission (2020), Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Comparative synthesis report, Authors: Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Barbara Franchini, Stefania Chiomento, Rocío Nogales and Chiara Carini, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Separate country reports provide key data on social enterprises and their eco-systems, including factors limiting their development.

The Executive Summary is available in English, French and German.
