Identification of a European job profile for cooperative managers

Publication date: 16 July 2015
Research areas: Innovative models
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Governance and management
Organizational types: Third sector organizations, Social enterprises, Social cooperatives
Tags: skills, cooperative managers, job profile

This report presents the results of a research conducted within the European Coop Campus project, funded by the European Commission through the Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Program. The primary aim of the research was to analyze the training landscape of participating cooperative organizations, highlighting both training needs and responses to these needs, in order to provide an overview of the managerial profiles within the involved cooperative systems.

The analysis led to some preliminary conclusions regarding the existing training offerings, the main characteristics of professional profiles, and the expected learning outcomes. Subsequently, a standard professional profile for cooperative managers was developed and validated based on feedback from partners and operators from Germany, Spain, Greece, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

The partner-validated professional profile was then used as a starting point to identify priorities in terms of training and necessary tools. The model developed through this research and the emerging professional profile can prove useful in various ways, including selection processes within cooperative enterprises and the design of training programs tailored to meet the needs of cooperatives across Europe.
