Presentation of the first project report in Brussels!

On November 18th, Euricse and Lichtwerk presented the first project results during ENSIE event “Being a WISE in 2022”! On the 18th of November, the B-WISE project partners met in Brussels to present the first project report on the “Current situation of skills gaps, especially in the digital area, in… Read More

Advancing the 2030 Agenda through SSE

The Social and Solidarity Economy is a dynamic force for change that is key to realizing the paradigm shift called for in the 2030 Agenda. In this Position Paper of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE), Euricse and other partners examine the contribution of the SSE to the achievement… Read More

A Transition Pathway for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem

On Monday 14 November 2022, the European Commission will launch in a hybrid event from Brussels, the Transition Pathway for the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem, a crucial deliverable of the renewed European industrial policy (2021) and the Social Economy Action Plan (2021) fostering a more sustainable and resilient… Read More

The satellite account for the social economy in Italy

The official agreement between the Italian Council for Economy and Labour, the Italian Institute of Statistics and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to launch a “satellite account for the social economy” was presented. Our researcher Chiara Carini attended the conference on 20th October among other institutional speakers, with a focus on measuring the social economy. Last… Read More

The Alliance of all SSE organizations in Italy

The Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, in collaboration with Euricse, is promoting a new Alliance of all organizations working in the Italian social economy. A Manifesto describing the new social and economic scenarios, intended to contribute to the Commission Recommendation to the European Council on the social economy in 2023, was presented in Bologna at an event attended by national and… Read More

The new issue of JEOD is out

The new issue of the international scientific Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity JEOD, publisched by Euricse, is available online. Read More

Community-based civic engagement initiatives

Euricse recently published the first report on Enterprising Communities, a study on nine types of community-based civic engagement initiatives developing across Italy. This unprecedented snapshot helps to understand the spread, the evolution over the years, and the distinctive features of “enterprising communities”. In addition to providing an overview, the report ignites reflection… Read More

WISES in Europe and digital skills: the report is out

We are glad to announce you that the report “Report on trends and challenges for Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) in Europe – Current situation of skills gaps, especially in the digital area”, prepared by  Euricse with the support of all the project partners is now published on the B-Wise… Read More

Workshops on Social Innovation

The SEED partners have designed the national competence centres and they will unveil the pilot projects in a series of upcoming events. The launch of the Italian case will be preceded by a series of online capacity building workshops, focused on planning and implementing social innovation projects organized by the Politecnico di Milano. Read More