Cooperation and development in Brasil and Trentino

The research report produced by Euricse and CIRIEC-Brasil as part of the broader international cooperation project “Brazil and Trentino: new opportunities for shared development 2019-2021,” coordinated by the Brasil Trentino Consortium and funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento, is ready to be presented in a webinar online on October 12th. Looking at the vast panorama of… Read More

Momentum: 2nd partner meeting in Santander

On September 6th and 7th, the partner organizations of the Momentum Project gathered in Santander for the second project meeting, the first one offline. At the meeting, Euricse presented the main findings of the research carried out in the project. To conduct the research on the barriers to accessing vocational training and the labour market faced… Read More

Social Economy in the spotlight

The social economy is gaining increasing attention on an international level, setting the stage for an alliance, also in Italy, among all the organizations operating in the sector. Within this context, three important events will take place in Bologna in October. The Metropolitan City of Bologna will present (October 18-19) its Plan for… Read More

ICBEC Consortium meeting September 29

Save the date for the next plenary meeting of the International Co-operative Business Education Consortium (ICBEC) on September 29th at 14.30 (CEST). ICBEC serves as a global network from which actors in cooperative business education can better understand each other’s programs and mandates, collaborate where mutually beneficial, avoid overlap where possible, and ensure… Read More

See You on Instagram!

Euricse is adding to its range of social media channels with a new profile: Instagram! Alongside Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube, we’re now on the social media that communicates through images and short videos. Naturalness and spontaneity win on this platform,… Read More

Save the dates to learn about Social Innovation

The new season starts with two interesting opportunities powered to learn more about Social Innovation provided by the SEED project. From September 2022 to April 2023 the SEED partnership – in collaboration with the Associate Partners and other European organisations committed to create National Competence Centers for Social Innovation… Read More

Master GIS: news for the 2022/2023 edition

The new edition of the Master GIS, the university-based Master’s program in Management of Social Enterprises, by Euricse and the University of Trento, is on the starting blocks with an interesting new feature. For the 2022-2023 academic year, there are new scholarships to support internships, provided by… Read More

B-Wise: Research Report available soon

The Report outlining the findings of the research into the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector and its mapping in Europe, in the context of the European project B-Wise, will be available soon on the project website. The partners collected good practices of WISEs working for the development of… Read More

Momentum Research Report… Stay tuned!

The Momentum project research report will soon be available to the public. This report presents the main findings and results of the research “Mapping of obstacles hindering access of young Third Country National (TCN) women to vocational training and labour market, with a focus on social economy”. Using the research methodology and the guidelines developed by Euricse, the… Read More

UNTFSSE Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy

The UNTFSSE Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy has been uploaded to the UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub website and Edward Elgar Companion Website (Resource website and Main book page). Euricse contributed to this important project with three original entries: two by Riccardo Bodini and Gianluca Salvatori on “Financing… Read More

World Cooperative Monitor: 2022 edition forthcoming

Research for the 2022edition of the World Cooperative Monitor is underway; data for fiscal year 2020 will be the focus, along with a dedicated chapter focused on digitization in large cooperatives. The main goal of this project produced by Euricse and the ICA is to develop a multi-dimensional database reporting… Read More