2025 UN International Year of Cooperatives
The International Cooperative Alliance has announced Cooperatives Build a Better World as the theme for the 2025 UN International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025), showcasing the enduring global impact cooperatives have everywhere
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Seed2Scale for social innovation in Europe
The SEED2SCALE project, funded by the EaSI ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative programme, aims to consolidate sustainable social innovation by activating 5 National Centres of Competence in Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia, continuing the work started with SEED (2021-2023).
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The EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform is online
The European Commission has launched a new digital community to promote collaboration, learning and resource sharing to support Europe's green and digital transformation.
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ICA CCR Europe Conference 2025 to be held in Helsinki
The International Cooperative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research Europe will hold its 2025 conference in Helsinki, Finland, on June 12–13, 2025. This event serves as a significant gathering for scholars and practitioners focused on the theme of cooperative identity.
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New research report on Italian agricultural cooperatives
A workshop in Rome on 13th December to learn more about cooperation and stimulate dialogue among key players in the sector, promoting the cooperative model as a strategic tool for the future of the agribusiness sector, with the presentation of the report by CREA and Euricse.
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Euricse mentioned in the UN Report on social and solidarity economy
Euricse was recognized in the United Nations Secretary-General's Report on the Social Economy for its contribution to understanding the social economy through research and statistical data, including projects supported by the European Union to promote training and skills in the social economy.
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Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU social economy
Euricse coordinated the study commissioned by the European Commission to analyse the role of the social economy in the European Union, as part of a strategy for a sustainable and innovative ecosystem. The report offers quantitative and qualitative data on the importance of the social economy in 27 countries, highlighting its potential.
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First national meeting of Community enterprises
Mark your calendar for the 1st national meeting of italian community enterprises which will take place in Cavalese, in the beautiful Val di Fiemme, Trentino, Italy, next December 5 and 6, 2024.
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Accelerating start-ups in the social economy
The first phase of IKIGAI Social Hub, an initiative of Euricse and Pluriversum, supported by the Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) Foundation, aimed at young entrepreneurs, social enterprises and associations will get underway in September.
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Scientific Colloquium: abstract submission deadline extended
There is time until September 8 to submit an abstract for the 18th Scientific Colloquium on Social Enterprise organised by Iris Network in Perugia on 18-19 October 2024. This year, the main theme will be the role of scientific research in supporting policies for social enterprises in Europe.
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Housing needs and the cooperative model
A study is being launched on new public policies for housing, with a particular focus on the cooperative model. Euricse will conduct an action-research project to explore how cooperation between inhabitants can respond to housing needs in an innovative way in the province of Trento.
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Urban and social regeneration spaces in Italy in the new Euricse report
Community hubs are multifunctional and versatile spaces that host a variety of activities and social actors. These places, starting from local needs, develop services for the community, promoting active participation and co-creation of new projects.
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