Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy

UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub’s project output, Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy, has been uploaded to the UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub website and Edward Elgar Companion Website (Resource website and Main book page).Euricse contributed to the enrichment of this Encyclopedia with three… Read More

B-Wise project in the spotlight

At a round of academic events, Euricse gave special attention to the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector and its mapping in Europe in the context of the European project B-Wise. Our researchers Giulia Galera and Giulia Tallarini attended the European Social Economy Summit (EUSES) in Strasbourg and the Iris Network Scientific Colloquium to illustrate some… Read More

Coop cinema, a trip around the world

A trip around the world in three webinars recounting the cooperative economy through the work of Around the World.coop and commentary from Euricse. "Coop cinema" is a series of online events from October to December featuring screenings of a selection of documentaries produced by Sara Vicari and Andrea Mancori, each followed by reflections from our researchers on the key themes, such as cooperative models, governance, the future of work, and local development. Read More

Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe

This is a comparative synthesis report that is part of the study "Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe" and provides an updated overview of the mapping of social enterprises in Europe based on information available as of January 2020. It is a publication prepared by Euricse and EMES Network on behalf of the European Commission, EaSI Program (Employment and Social Innovation, 2014-2020). Read More

Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers: two new OECD publications

Two separate articles, both published in the OECD’s LEED Working Paper Series. Giulia Galera, senior researcher at Euricse, worked on the publication of two studies that, from different angles, analyse the integration processes scattered across different European countries. The publications are available online, directly from the OECD website. What are the issues tackled in the publications? Below you can read and consult the related abstracts. Read More

Tackling the migration and refugee challenge

A fruitful discussion forum among over 40 researchers by Giulia Galera, Rocío Nogales The WG2 COST Research Workshop "Tackling the migration and refugee challenge" organized in the framework of the COST Action EMPOWER-SE, succeeded in creating a fruitful discussion forum among over 40 researchers coming from 15 diverse EU countries, who are studying the migration phenomenon from different disciplinary angles. During the two-days COST workshop economists, sociologists, anthropologists and political scientists shared the findings of their in-progress investigations and contributed to shed light on both the limitations and challenges faced by current research in a field that has high policy implications. Read More

Call for proposals: “Tackling the migration and refugee challenge”

The Research Seminar “Tackling the migration and refugee challenge” will take place on November 22 – 23, 2018 at the University of Trento (Department of Sociology and Social Research). The seminar is aimed to reflect on the potential of local communities to self-organize and design effective solutions for tackling the challenges posed by migrations to local societies. The call for proposals for paper presentations is open.  Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 July 2018. Interested authors should submit a 250-300 word abstract of their contribution that includes: author(s)’ full information (including country, gender and whether ECI); contribution title; main research objective/question; methodological approach; (expected) results and contribution, and bibliography. All submissions will be made via email to the address [email protected] Read More