Mutual, cooperative and co-owned business

  A new book edited by Jonathan Michie, Joseph R. Blasi and Carlo Borzaga, published by Oxford University Press Handbook   “Mutual, co-operative and co-owned business” is the title of The Oxford University Press Handbook edited by Jonathan Michie, University of Oxford (UK), Joseph R. Blasi, Rutgers University (USA), and Carlo Borzaga, University of Trento (Italy) is now available. The handbook analyses, describes, and explains the complex world of organisations that assign ownership rights and governance control to stakeholders other than investors. The complexity of this set of organisations results both from the different degree of control exerted by stakeholders in each typology, and from different legislative and regulatory frameworks that govern these organisational forms. Read More

JEOD: the new issue of the review is out

The new issue (Volume 5, Issue 1)  of the international scientific review The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) is now available online. It is a double blind peer refereed review which publishes theoretical as well as empirical researches on the entrepreneurial phenomenon from different perspectives (economics, sociology, political sciences, law). Read More


The end of the year is a time to look back at what we’ve accomplished and gather new ideas for projects and activities for the year to come, without losing sight of our main goal: to create knowledge and enrich the debate on the cooperative business model in order to demonstrate its relevance in modern economic and social systems. 2016 was a fruitful year at Euricse and we’d like to share some of the key results with you. Read More

Social enterprises and their eco-systems: developments in Europe

The number of social enterprises in Europe is increasing and they are engaging in new fields. Many countries are introducing new legislation as well as new support schemes to boost the development of social enterprises. Both public and private markets offer new opportunities for social enterprises to start up and grow, reveals the new report "Social enterprises and their eco-systems: developments in Europe" published by the European Commission. The research was conducted by independent academics supported by the Euricse and EMES network . Read More

EMES | Call for Papers on “Social Enterprise in Post-Communist Societies”

Giulia Galera will be guest editor (with Jacques Defourny and Michael Roy) of the Special Issue of East European Politics on “Social Enterprise in Post-Communist Societies“. A Call for Papers has just been launched for full papers exploring such questions, and a range of others under this broad theme, are welcome, and should be submitted by 31 December 2016. Only after feedback from the guest editors should the papers be submitted to the journal. Read More

New strategies for Co-operatives

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) 2016 international research conference “New strategies for Co-operatives: Understanding and Managing Co-operative Creation” will be held from the 24th to the 27th of May in the Palacio del Congresos en El Toyo, Almeria, Spain. Euricse contributed to the scientific planning of the event and eight researchers will attend the conference. Giulia Galera, Jacopo Sforzi, Carlo Borzaga, Chiara Carini, Michela Giovannini, Silvia Sacchetti, Eddi Fontanari and Yiorgos Alexopoulos will present their research with nine papers during five different sessions. Moreover, Giulia Galera and Jacopo Sforzi will coordinate a special session dedicated to “The role of Cooperatives in promoting the interest of the community”  (Wednesday the 25th of May, 11:15-13:00), while another session coordinated by Giulia Galera will be dedicated to the European project INT.RE.COOP (Friday the 27th of May, 9:00-10:30). Read More

Social enterprises as a bottom-up dynamic

The thematic section of the last number of a scientific review  “International Review of Sociology” (Volume 26, Issue 1, 2016) was curated by Euricse researchers Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera and Luca Fazzi. Over the past decades,… Read More

A map of social enterprises and their eco-system in Europe

The ICF GHK Consulting was appointed by the European Commission to map social enterprises in the 28 Member States and in Switzerland. The study follows up on the Social Business Initiative launched by the commission in 2011. It is based on existing academic materials and interviews with over 350 stakeholders across Europe. Read More

Social transformation for social innovation

The volume brings together texts, analysis and examples on social transformation through social innovation. The chapter edited by Euricse researchers is titled "Europe in transition: the role of cooperative and social enterprises." Read More

Euricse at the 5th EMES International research conference on Social Enterprise

Following the Pre-conference forum, the 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise “Building a scientific  field to foster social enterprise eco-system” has officially started today with the plenary session “Social Enterprise and the third sector: Changing landscapes in an international perspective” chaired by Marthe Nyssens, founding member of the EMES European Research Network and Professor at the University of Louvain. Read More

How to submit a working paper

Interested authors must submit their papers to the members of the editorial committee (person in charge: Dr. Barbara Franchini [email protected]). Papers are expected to be in line with the scientific approach of the Institute. Before submitting their papers, potential authors are invited to read the philosophy of the… Read More