Il paper esplora l’evoluzione delle cooperative sociali italiane, evidenziando il calo delle nuove costituzioni, la crescita delle imprese sociali non cooperative e delle cooperative ad oggetto plurimo, e la concentrazione di redditività in poche realtà maggiori. Read More
The paper explores the growing recognition of the centrality of the social economy, highlighting the need to analyze its specificities, including legal forms, regulation, governance and supportive policies, in order to address crucial challenges such as social cohesion, ecological transition and the creation of decent jobs, while also emphasizing its potential contribution to civic participation. Read More
The article focuses on the notion of "vitality," understood as the ability of actors or groups to express creativity in accordance with self-actualization and positive values. It introduces an original typology and identifies supporting factors, illustrating the concept with examples from the music education system in Trentino. Read More
The paper addresses the challenges and opportunities of post-crisis socio-economic transformation: toward a pluralistic vision and empowerment of community enterprises. Read More
This paper addresses the theme of the production and destruction of public value by comparing the actions of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) with the recent development of cryptocurrency trusts. Read More
After showing remarkable resilience to the negative effects of the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, cooperative banks have undergone a process of structural reform and consolidation almost everywhere in Europe over the past decade. Recognizing these changes, the paper provides an account of the main concepts and trends in research that has focused on cooperative banks since 2010. Read More
The paper explores the role of the Third Sector in social and health integration and highlights virtuous experiences in several Italian regions where these entities have played a driving role. Read More
The paper explores the coordination mechanism for cultural production, focusing on Trentino's innovative approach of shared administration and cultural policy. Read More
The aim of the paper is to address the possible implications of the principle of “shared administration” for the emergence of new forms of empowerment of social actors able to promote distributed models of self-determination and democratic exercise of power as an alternative to top- down bureaucracy. Read More
This paper – which largely summarizes the Euricse-Istat report on the Italian social economy (2021) – aims to provide a unitary picture of the dimensions and characteristics of the entire social economy in Italy and to explore its sectoral specialization and evolutionary dynamics, showing, finally, some insights into the relationship between the presence of SEOs and variables of social interest, especially with particular reference to welfare services. Read More
This paper aims to explore the salient features of the social economy in Trentino through data from Istat's Permanent Census of Nonprofit Institutions. Read More
The working paper presents findings from research on cultural volunteering and specifically analyzes the nature of bands and their role within the Trentino community. Read More